Sunday, July 03, 2011

Crazy Card Day

It's time for a Crazy Card day. Nothing scenic or educational here today, just pure head-scratchin' nonsense.

In case you were wondering who was Donut Queen in 1948. I think her name was Deanna Dunkin. I sure wish I had that rug. I'll bet it was dark green, puce and yellow. 

Each one of these little people has a story to tell. Thank goodness we can't hear them.

It makes my teeth hurt to look at this postcard.

Who else but Edward Gorey would draw this?

There is nothing normal about this picture. At least not in my neighborhood.

A Kaj Stenvall painting called "Don't Kill The Messenger". The bad news duck approaches.

You must read the card. It is wonderfully ridiculous.

Here's Lois doing a little repair work on the honeymoon cottage. Notice the great ladder-climbing shoes. Hubby Doug has given up trying to sleep. The pounding is unbearable.

Some day I'll write a very serious post. Oh sure.

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