Tuesday, October 10, 2006

It Begins

Hello, Friends! (Do I sound like Winnie the Pooh?)

Rusti and I find ourselves blessed with a lot of friends and family who would like to follow our trip cross-country. HENCE (don't you love that word?), this blog. It should be easier to share trip highlights and photos with all of you this way rather than by e-mail. Plus, I think we were the only two people in the world who hadn't started a blog yet, so this takes care of that.

The long-awaited trip/move officially begins Saturday morning, October 14th, 2006. Rusti's last day of servitude to Wachovia is Friday the 13th (a very dark day for Wachovia indeed). Come Saturday morning these two retired ladies and their sidekick Malcolm the Hairy will be leaving the Carolinas behind.

I never thought I'd live in the South - ever - and yet here I am leaving it after 18 years. Rusti has been here even longer and is actually worried about whether people in California will think she has a Southern accent. I told her "Honey chile, don't y'all worry your little head about that. Bless your heart.".

This blog is an experiment, and with any luck it will help you share a little in our excellent adventure, plus it will give us something to do when we get tired of watching the white lines go by.

Let me take this opportunity to thank my wonderful mother for the new Dell laptop which is making all this possible!

Comments are encouraged - we'd love to hear from you. And we will still be receiving and answering emails at

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