Friday, February 05, 2010

Pinot Noir & Truffles

February is typically Oregon's grayest, dreariest month, but occasionally we are blessed with a bit of sunshine and the hint of spring.  Today was such a day. Rusti and I loaded our cameras in the car and took off for Willamette Valley Vineyards outside of Salem. It was a 2 birds/1 stone destination: we needed wine plus we had heard that this vineyard is beautiful. We heard right.

What a view! Even now, before spring has sprung.  I will definitely be going back for more picture-taking when everything is blooming. And to get more wine, of course.


I learned something interesting from the gentleman behind the counter in the tasting room. Who knew that truffles grew here in Oregon?  We even recently had a Truffle Festival that included a truffle dog-training seminar.  You too could root through the woods for these delicacies if only your dog were trained. Now to the best of my knowledge, I have never eaten anything containing truffles, which is a good thing because if I really liked the taste I wouldn't be able to afford them anyway.


Rusti wanted to take home this barrel of wine, but we settled instead on a very nice bottle of 2007 Pinot Noir and a bottle of Oregon Blossom.

There are still approximately 300 Willamette Valley wineries that we have not yet visited. Stay tuned.


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