The castle sits on a small island in Loch Duich. Supposedly, a sea creature similar to the Loch Ness monster has been filmed in this body of water. However, the film is said to be held in a private trust and few people have seen it. Hmm.
Well then, if that first abode is too much house for you, how about something more compact - in Iceland?

A cozy turf-roofed chapel originally built in the 17th century is shown here. As late as the 1950s, mud huts like this were still used as housing around the Icelandic countryside.
Now we go from isolated Iceland countryside to heavily populated Santiago in Chile.
They've got themselves some serious mountains there, don't they?
This card came with a recipe for a "Pisco Sour", made from pisco, lemon (or lime) juice, sugar, and egg white, all mixed together in a blender. So what is pisco, you ask? That's exactly what I said! I have since learned that it is a very popular brandy made from white muscat grapes. It is considered the national drink of Chile. It was also very popular with 19th century Californians, who had it imported from South America. Here is a recipe if you'd like to go mix up a batch for yourself.
After all that traveling and the pitcher of pisco you are probably pooped, so why not draw yourself a nice hot bath? And while you're at it, draw a duck as well.