First of all, a big thank you to my dear friend Mae West for her guest blog yesterday. So kind of her to take the time. Dear, dear Mae. So well-meaning but just a little, well, shall we say "blunt"? However, here I am writing again, so her post was a success.
I know that many of you are waiting for fashion advice from me so that you will know how to dress for New Year's Eve. For those of you on the other side of the International Date Line, I'm so sorry I didn't get to you in time. I can only hope that you didn't look TOO tacky last night. I have called in an expert today to help me: Miss Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel.
Coco recommends wearing every single necklace you own at the same time, especially if you are trying to cover up the top of an ugly dress. Try to find a really big wristwatch to wear around your waist. Coco reminds everyone to be careful when placing a pin on your hat. She accidently stuck this one right through the top of her head and has been unable to remove the hat for years. And last but not least, wear a beautiful fragrance, like Chanel No. 2, or, if you can afford it, No. 2-1/2.
Thank you, Coco, and a very Happy New Year to you too!